Some Backstory

'It's good to have an end to journey towards, but it is the journey that matters in the end'.  (Ursula K. Le Guin)

The ride has been reported in thousands of words, hundreds of photos and hours of edited video footage.  Sadly, the wise folks at Apple removed my ability to keep that data open to the public.

I'm trying to build a back story by filling in the blog history, bit by bit.  You can view earlier photos on my Facebook page (just befriend me at 'Riding Inthetracksofgiants') or as collected on the gallery pages of Smugmug:

I'm slowly loading all the movies onto Smugmug or YouTube, but it takes time and a steady internet connection.  Neither of which are easy to find at the moment! :)

Seek and ye will find.  Click and ye might enjoy.  Donate some cash and ye have my respect.


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